Relational wellbeing in the lives of young refugees
Policy briefing: Wellbeing in the lives of young refugees in Scotland
Nature and Belonging in the Lives of Young Refugees: A Relational Wellbeing Perspective
Family-like Relationships and Wellbeing of Young Refugees in Finland, Norway, and Scotland
Drawing Together in Scotland: The Opportunities and Challenges for Young Refugees within a ‘Relational Wellbeing’ Approach to Integration
Narratives of Symbolic Objects: Exploring Relational Wellbeing of Young Refugees Living in Scotland, Finland, and Norway
Forced Migration: A Relational Wellbeing Approach
Researching Practices Across and Within Diverse Educational Sites: Onto-Epistemological Considerations (1st ed.)
Keeping Each Other Safe : Young Refugees’ Navigation Towards a Good Life in Finland, Norway, and Scotland
Oikeus kuulua joukkoon eilen, tänään ja huomenna: Puheenvuoro ja taidetta osallisuudesta, pakolaisuudesta ja ajankulusta
Adaptable But Not Replaceable : Migration Studies Fieldwork in the Time of COVID-19