Reflections on making the DTP Glasgow exhibition soundscape
Media interest in Drawing Together's Glasgow exhibition
Drawing Together Glasgow exhibition
‘The Swimmers’ film on Netflix and the Drawing Together Project.
The power of participation: understanding the lives of young refugees through creativity
Connections are key: the importance of relationship-based practice in supporting refugees and asylum
Everyone’s story is their own: learning from the personal narratives of young refugees
Glasgow Team hosts a delightful third workshop
Considering relational wellbeing in the context of Scottish, UK and international refugee policy
Thank you to our Ambassadors, the Scotland team couldn’t do it without you!
Nature and architecture
Preparation, packing and pedaling
Testing out and connecting together
'Shining in the dark': A meeting on what this project can bring to the world.
Scotland team prepares for fieldwork
UK Research Fellow Catrin Evans joins the Drawing Together project.